零邊際成本社會:一個物聯網、合作共贏的新經濟時代 作者:傑裏米·裏夫金 投票推薦 加入書簽 留言反饋
adams, richard newbold. energy and structure: a theory of social power. austin: university of texas press, 1924.
anderson, benedict. imaginedmunities: reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism. london: verso, 1983.
anderson, chris. free: how today’s smartest businesses profit by giving something for nothing. new york: hyperion, 2009.———. makers. london: random house, 2012.
anderson, robert. fundamentals of the petroleum industry. norman: university of ohoma press, 1984.
anielski, mark. the economics of happiness. gabri ind bc,ca: new society publishers, 2007.
appleby, joyce. the relentless revolution. new york: w.w. norton, 2010.
aries, philippe. the hour of our death. new york: oxford university press, 1981.
axelrod, robert. the evolution of cooperation. new york: basic books, 1984.
ayres, robert and edward ayres. crossing the energy divide. upper saddle river, nj: wharton school publishing, 2010.
ayres, robert and benjamin warr. the economic growth engine: how energy and work drive material
prosperity.xenburg: the international institute for applied systems analysis,. oct 31, 2010.
bakan, joel. the corporation: the pathological pursuit of profit and power. new york: free press, 2004.
banks, james a. and cherry a. mcgee banks, eds. multicultural education: issues and perspectives. 6th ed. hoboken, nj: john wiley & sons, 2007.
barlow, maude and rke tony. blue gold. new york: the new press, 2002.
barnes, peter. who owns the sky? washington, dc: ind press, 2001.
belgin, stephen and bernard lietaer. new money for a new world. boulder, co: qiterra press, 2005.
beniger, james r. the control revolution: technological and economic origins of the information society. cambridge, ma: harvard university press, 1986.
benkler, yochai. the wealth ofworks: how social production transforms markets and freedom. new haven, ct: yale university press, 2006.
bentham, jeremy and etienne dumont. theory of legition. london: k. paul, trench, trubner &pany limited, 1908.
berle, adolf a. and gardiner c. means. the modern corporation & private property. new brunswick: transaction publishers, 2010.
nning, tim. the romantic revolution. new york: modern library, 2011.
bok, derek. the politics of happiness. princeton, nj: princeton university press, 2010.
bollier, david. silent theft: the private plunder of ourmon wealth. new york: rutledge, 2003. ———. viral spiral. new york: the new press, 2008.
bonpasse, morrison. the single global currency. newcastle, me: single global currency association, 2006.
borbely, anne-marie and jan f. kreider. distributed generation: the power paradigm for the new millennium. washington dc: crc press, 2001.
botsman, rachel and roo rogers. what’s mine is yours: the rise of coborative consumption. new york: harpercollins, 2010.
boyle, james. cultural environmentalism and beyond. san francisco: creativemons, 2007.
brewer, richard. conservancy: thend trust movement in america. hanover, nh: dartmouth college press, 2003.
brock, gerald w. the telmunications industry: the dynamics of market structure. cambridge,
ma: harvard university press, 1981.
bryant, john. thermodynamics: a thermodynamic approach to economics. 2nd ed. herts, uk:
vocat international ltd, 2011.
brynjolfsson, erik and andrew maafee. race against the machine: how the digital revolution is elerating innovation, driving productivity, and irreversibly transforming employment and the economy. lexington, ma: digital frontier press, 2011.
burger, christoph and jens weinmann. the decentralized energy revolution. new york: palgrave macmin, 2013.
carr, nichs. the big switch. new york: w.w. norton, 2009.
chambers, ann. distributed generation. tulsa: pennwell corporation, 2001.
chandler jr., alfred d. the visible hand: the managerial revolution in american business. cambridge: the belknap press of harvard university press, 1977.
chesbrough, henry. open innovation. boston: harvard business school press, 2006.
christman, john. the myth of property: toward an egalitarian theory of ownership. new york: oxford university press, 1994.
daly, herman. beyond growth. boston: beacon press, 1996.
daly, hermen e. and john cobb jr. for themon good. boston: beacon press, 1999.
danielian, noobar retheos. at&t: the story of industrial conquest. new york: vanguard press, 1939.
darwin, charles. the variation of animals and nts under domestication. vol. 1. london: john murray, 1899.
de forest sackett, ross. time, energy, and the indolent savage: a quantitative cross-cultural test of the primitive affluence hypothesis. los angeles: university of california, 1996.
de grazia, sebastian. of time, work, and liesure. garden city, nj: anchor books, 1964.
de soto, hernando. the mystery of capital. new york: basic books, 2011.
dobb, maurice. studies in the development of capitalism. new york: international publishers, 1947.
doctorow, cory. over clocked: stories of the future present. new york: thunder’s mouth press, 2007.
dugger, william and james peach. economic abundance: an introduction. new york: m.e. sharpe, 2009.
dunbar, robin. grooming, gossip, and the evolution ofnguage. cambridge, ma: harvard university press, 1998.
eisenstein, charles. sacred economics: money, gift and society in the age of trantion. berkeley, ca: evolver editions, 2011.
eisenstein, elizabeth l. the printing revolution in early modern europe. cambridge: cambridge university press, 1983.
elkington, john. the zeronauts: breaking the sustainability barriers. washington, dc: earthscan, 2012.
epstein, s. r. and maarten prak. guilds, innovation and the european economy, 1400–1800. cambridge: cambridge university press, 2008.
faraone, chris. 99 nights with the 99 percent. united states: write to power, 2012.
ford, martin. the lights in the future. united states: nt publishing, 2009.
frey, bruno s. happiness: a revolution in economics. cambridge, ma: mit press, 2010.
frieden, jeffry a. global capitalism. new york: w.w. norton, 2006.
frischmann, brett m. infrastructure: the social value of shared resources. usa: oxford university press, 2013.
fyfe, aileen. steam-powered knowledge: william chambers and the business of publishing, 1820– 1860. chicago: university of chicago press, 2012.
ganksky, lisa. the mesh. new york: penguin portfolio, 2010.
gershenfeld, neil. fab. new york: basic books, 2005.
ghosh, rishab. code. cambridge, ma: mit press, 2005.
gimpel, jean. the medieval machine: the industrial revolution of the middle ages. london: penguin, 1977.
graham, carol. the pursuit of happiness: an economy of well-being. washington, dc: brookings institution, 2011.
grazia, sebastian de. of time, work, and leisure. new york: anchor books, 1964.
greco jr., thomas h. money: understanding and creating alternatives to legal tender. white river junction, vt: chelsea green, 2001.
gupta, shanti. the economic philosophy of mahatma gandhi. new delhi: concept publishingpany,1994.
haber, samuel. efficiency and uplift: scientific management in the progressive era 1890–1920. chicago: university of chicago press, 1964.
habermas, jurgen. the structural transformation of the public sphere. cambridge, ma: mit press, 1991.
haidt, jonathan. the happiness hypothesis. new york: basic books, 2006.
hannesson, rognvaldur. the privatization of the oceans. cambridge, ma: mit press, 2004.
hart, sura and victoria kindle hodson. thepassionate ssroom: rtionship based teaching and learning. encinitas, ca: puddle dancer press, 2004.
havelock, eric a. preface to to. cambridge, ma: belknap press, 1963.
hawken, paul, amory lovens, and l. hunter lovins. natural capitalism. new york: little, brown, 1999.
hegel, georg wilhelm friedrich. lectures on the philosophy of world history. cambridge: cambridge university press, 1975.
henderson, hazel. ethical markets. white river junction, vt: chelsea green, 2006.
hess, charlotte and elinor ostrom, eds. understanding knowledge as amons: from theory to practice. cambridge, ma: mit press, 2007.
hippel, eric von. democratizing innovation. cambridge, ma: mit press, 2005.
hobsbawm, e. j. the age of capital 1848–1875. london: penguin, 1980.
hobsbawm, e. j. the age of empire 1875–1914. new york: vintage books, 1987.
hobsbawm, e. j. the age of revolution 1789–1848. new york: mentor, 1962.
hoeschele, wolfgang. the economics of abundance: a political economy of freedom, equity, and sustainability. surrey, uk: gower, 2010.
hoyt, robert s. europe in the middle ages. 2nd ed. new york: harcourt, brace & world, 1966.
hume, david. an enquiry concerning the principles of morals. london: printed for a. mir, 1751.
jackson, tim. prosperity without growth: economics for a finite. washington, dc: earthscan, 2009.
jean-ude debeir, jean-paul deleage, and daniel hemery, in the servitude of power: energy and civilization through the ages. london: zed books, 1992.
kanigel, robert. the one best way: frederick winslow taylor and the enigma of efficiency. new york: penguin, 1997.
keen, andrew. the cult of the amateur. new york: doubleday, 2007.
kellmereit, daniel, and daniel obodovski. the silent intelligence: the inte of things. san francisco: dnd ventures llc, 2013.
keynes, john maynard. the general theory of employment, interest, and money. san diego: harcourt brace, 1964.
kleindorfer, paul r. and wind yorman with robert e. gunther. thework challenge. upper saddle river, nj: wharton school publishing, 2009.
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barlow, maude and rke tony. blue gold. new york: the new press, 2002.
barnes, peter. who owns the sky? washington, dc: ind press, 2001.
belgin, stephen and bernard lietaer. new money for a new world. boulder, co: qiterra press, 2005.
beniger, james r. the control revolution: technological and economic origins of the information society. cambridge, ma: harvard university press, 1986.
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berle, adolf a. and gardiner c. means. the modern corporation & private property. new brunswick: transaction publishers, 2010.
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bok, derek. the politics of happiness. princeton, nj: princeton university press, 2010.
bollier, david. silent theft: the private plunder of ourmon wealth. new york: rutledge, 2003. ———. viral spiral. new york: the new press, 2008.
bonpasse, morrison. the single global currency. newcastle, me: single global currency association, 2006.
borbely, anne-marie and jan f. kreider. distributed generation: the power paradigm for the new millennium. washington dc: crc press, 2001.
botsman, rachel and roo rogers. what’s mine is yours: the rise of coborative consumption. new york: harpercollins, 2010.
boyle, james. cultural environmentalism and beyond. san francisco: creativemons, 2007.
brewer, richard. conservancy: thend trust movement in america. hanover, nh: dartmouth college press, 2003.
brock, gerald w. the telmunications industry: the dynamics of market structure. cambridge,
ma: harvard university press, 1981.
bryant, john. thermodynamics: a thermodynamic approach to economics. 2nd ed. herts, uk:
vocat international ltd, 2011.
brynjolfsson, erik and andrew maafee. race against the machine: how the digital revolution is elerating innovation, driving productivity, and irreversibly transforming employment and the economy. lexington, ma: digital frontier press, 2011.
burger, christoph and jens weinmann. the decentralized energy revolution. new york: palgrave macmin, 2013.
carr, nichs. the big switch. new york: w.w. norton, 2009.
chambers, ann. distributed generation. tulsa: pennwell corporation, 2001.
chandler jr., alfred d. the visible hand: the managerial revolution in american business. cambridge: the belknap press of harvard university press, 1977.
chesbrough, henry. open innovation. boston: harvard business school press, 2006.
christman, john. the myth of property: toward an egalitarian theory of ownership. new york: oxford university press, 1994.
daly, herman. beyond growth. boston: beacon press, 1996.
daly, hermen e. and john cobb jr. for themon good. boston: beacon press, 1999.
danielian, noobar retheos. at&t: the story of industrial conquest. new york: vanguard press, 1939.
darwin, charles. the variation of animals and nts under domestication. vol. 1. london: john murray, 1899.
de forest sackett, ross. time, energy, and the indolent savage: a quantitative cross-cultural test of the primitive affluence hypothesis. los angeles: university of california, 1996.
de grazia, sebastian. of time, work, and liesure. garden city, nj: anchor books, 1964.
de soto, hernando. the mystery of capital. new york: basic books, 2011.
dobb, maurice. studies in the development of capitalism. new york: international publishers, 1947.
doctorow, cory. over clocked: stories of the future present. new york: thunder’s mouth press, 2007.
dugger, william and james peach. economic abundance: an introduction. new york: m.e. sharpe, 2009.
dunbar, robin. grooming, gossip, and the evolution ofnguage. cambridge, ma: harvard university press, 1998.
eisenstein, charles. sacred economics: money, gift and society in the age of trantion. berkeley, ca: evolver editions, 2011.
eisenstein, elizabeth l. the printing revolution in early modern europe. cambridge: cambridge university press, 1983.
elkington, john. the zeronauts: breaking the sustainability barriers. washington, dc: earthscan, 2012.
epstein, s. r. and maarten prak. guilds, innovation and the european economy, 1400–1800. cambridge: cambridge university press, 2008.
faraone, chris. 99 nights with the 99 percent. united states: write to power, 2012.
ford, martin. the lights in the future. united states: nt publishing, 2009.
frey, bruno s. happiness: a revolution in economics. cambridge, ma: mit press, 2010.
frieden, jeffry a. global capitalism. new york: w.w. norton, 2006.
frischmann, brett m. infrastructure: the social value of shared resources. usa: oxford university press, 2013.
fyfe, aileen. steam-powered knowledge: william chambers and the business of publishing, 1820– 1860. chicago: university of chicago press, 2012.
ganksky, lisa. the mesh. new york: penguin portfolio, 2010.
gershenfeld, neil. fab. new york: basic books, 2005.
ghosh, rishab. code. cambridge, ma: mit press, 2005.
gimpel, jean. the medieval machine: the industrial revolution of the middle ages. london: penguin, 1977.
graham, carol. the pursuit of happiness: an economy of well-being. washington, dc: brookings institution, 2011.
grazia, sebastian de. of time, work, and leisure. new york: anchor books, 1964.
greco jr., thomas h. money: understanding and creating alternatives to legal tender. white river junction, vt: chelsea green, 2001.
gupta, shanti. the economic philosophy of mahatma gandhi. new delhi: concept publishingpany,1994.
haber, samuel. efficiency and uplift: scientific management in the progressive era 1890–1920. chicago: university of chicago press, 1964.
habermas, jurgen. the structural transformation of the public sphere. cambridge, ma: mit press, 1991.
haidt, jonathan. the happiness hypothesis. new york: basic books, 2006.
hannesson, rognvaldur. the privatization of the oceans. cambridge, ma: mit press, 2004.
hart, sura and victoria kindle hodson. thepassionate ssroom: rtionship based teaching and learning. encinitas, ca: puddle dancer press, 2004.
havelock, eric a. preface to to. cambridge, ma: belknap press, 1963.
hawken, paul, amory lovens, and l. hunter lovins. natural capitalism. new york: little, brown, 1999.
hegel, georg wilhelm friedrich. lectures on the philosophy of world history. cambridge: cambridge university press, 1975.
henderson, hazel. ethical markets. white river junction, vt: chelsea green, 2006.
hess, charlotte and elinor ostrom, eds. understanding knowledge as amons: from theory to practice. cambridge, ma: mit press, 2007.
hippel, eric von. democratizing innovation. cambridge, ma: mit press, 2005.
hobsbawm, e. j. the age of capital 1848–1875. london: penguin, 1980.
hobsbawm, e. j. the age of empire 1875–1914. new york: vintage books, 1987.
hobsbawm, e. j. the age of revolution 1789–1848. new york: mentor, 1962.
hoeschele, wolfgang. the economics of abundance: a political economy of freedom, equity, and sustainability. surrey, uk: gower, 2010.
hoyt, robert s. europe in the middle ages. 2nd ed. new york: harcourt, brace & world, 1966.
hume, david. an enquiry concerning the principles of morals. london: printed for a. mir, 1751.
jackson, tim. prosperity without growth: economics for a finite. washington, dc: earthscan, 2009.
jean-ude debeir, jean-paul deleage, and daniel hemery, in the servitude of power: energy and civilization through the ages. london: zed books, 1992.
kanigel, robert. the one best way: frederick winslow taylor and the enigma of efficiency. new york: penguin, 1997.
keen, andrew. the cult of the amateur. new york: doubleday, 2007.
kellmereit, daniel, and daniel obodovski. the silent intelligence: the inte of things. san francisco: dnd ventures llc, 2013.
keynes, john maynard. the general theory of employment, interest, and money. san diego: harcourt brace, 1964.
kleindorfer, paul r. and wind yorman with robert e. gunther. thework challenge. upper saddle river, nj: wharton school publishing, 2009.
klinenberg, eric. going solo. new york: penguin press, 2012.
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