世界史:從史前到21世紀全球文明的互動 作者:威廉·麥克尼爾 投票推薦 加入書簽 留言反饋
對於任何對曆史學感興趣的人來說,曆史地圖和曆史大事詞典都是有價值的參考著作。最好的世界曆史地圖是westermanns as zur weltgeschichte(braunschweig,1956年),遺憾的是,它從未出版過英文版。william robert shepherd, historical as, 9th ed. (new york 1964),是英語世界值得信賴的著作。william l.nger, ed., an encyclopedia of world history, rev. ed. (boston, 1972), 對檢索時間和回憶曆史事件順序來說,是非常有用的標準著作。
論述世界曆史的著作汗牛充棟。有些是集體編寫的著作,如劍橋史:the cambridge ancient history, 12 vols. (cambridge,1929~39),the cambridge medieval history,8 vols. (cambridge, 1913~36), 和the cambridge modern history, 13 vols. (cambridge, 1902~12)。其他的都打上了作者個人思想的烙印,因此雖然更連貫,但也引起爭論,因為沒有人能掌握曆史學每個領域的知識。4部這樣的著作引起了普通讀者的興趣:h.g.wells, the outline of history(london, 1920); oswald spengler, the decline of the west, 2nd ed. rev., 2 vols. (new york, 1931); arnold j. toynbee, a study of history, 10 vols. (london, 1934~54); 和william h. eil, the rise of the west(chicago, 1963)。湯因比的著作出版了縮寫本,d.c.somervell ed., a study of history, 2 vols. (london, 1946, 1957)和插圖縮寫本,arnold toynbee, a study of history(new york, 1972)。
兩類其他讀物顯然吸引了學生的注意:古代文獻的譯本和對古代的現代研究。《聖經》和諸如《荷馬史詩》那樣的經典著作譯本數量眾多,由於世世代代的學術積累,這些譯本已經相當準確了。因此,從這類著作中推薦一種譯本而貶低另一種譯本似乎都是吹毛求疵。其他的文明傳統在英語翻譯中幾乎沒有如此精確的代表作。關於古代中東,james b. pritchard, ed. ancient near eastern texts rting to the old testament,rev. ed.(princeton,1969)提供了一份卓越而引人入勝的文獻匯編,正如james b. pritchard,the ancient near east, new anthology of texts and pictures(princeton, 1975)。n.k.sandars, tr.,the epic of gilgamesh(penguin,1960)是一部價格低廉、容易得到的美索不達米亞主要文學作品譯本。hans goedicke, tr.,the report about the dispute of a man with his ba(baltimore,1970)提供了古代埃及對生與死的看法。關於印度文化,w.t. debary, jr. et al., eds., sources of indian tradition(new york, 1958)從《吠陀》《奧義書》和其他早期著作中進行了很好的選擇匯編。johannes a. b. van buitenen, the mahabharata(chicago, 1973~ )開始了對印度最偉大的史詩的學術翻譯。w.t.debary, jr. et al., eds., sources of chinese tradition(new york, 1960)在從早期中國文獻的匯編和選取方麵做得很好。此外,arthur waley, tr.,the analects of confucius(new york, 1939), arthur waley, tr., shih jing, books of songs(boston, 1937), 和richard wilhelm, tr., the i ching, or book of changes, 3rd ed. (princeton, 1967)也值得注意。
許多論述古代曆史的著作都用摘譯的古代文獻作點綴。翻譯與注釋之間的相得益彰常常比沒有支撐的翻譯對這個主題給予了更好的介紹,特別是當這種文化不為人所熟悉的時候。這種文獻風格的一個好例子是關於中東的: samuel noah kramer, sumerian mythology(phdelphia, 1944); henri frankfort et al.,before philosophy(penguin, 1941); j. a. moulton, early zoroastrianism(london, 1913).關於印度文化,edward conze, buddhism: its essence and development(new york, 1959); sir charles eliot, hinduism and buddhism: an historical sketch, 3 vols. (london, 1921); 和heinrich zimmer, philosophies of india(new york, 1951)很有幫助。馮友蘭的history of chinese philosophy, 2 vols.(princeton,1952)也是如此。關於早期希臘思想的2部著作也屬於這類:john bu, early greek philosophy, 4th ed. (london, 1930)是一種嚴肅的、標準的、煞費苦心的敘述;而f. m. cornford, from religion to philosophy: a study in the origins of western spection(london, 1912)則代表了卓越、推測性和啟發性的一類。
古代藝術著作和其他物質的照片的熟讀仍然是輔助的和非常有價值的方法,通過這種方法,學習古代史的學生可以漫遊古代世界。它具有一個重大優勢,以致讀者與原著之間沒有譯者。此外,當一個人在短時間內翻閱插圖精美的書籍時,更多的著作或許很容易被忽略。這使比較變得可能,而且比較可能敏銳地洞悉跨越空間和時間的變化模式——如果學生費力地記住了一張鬆散的空間—時間網格,並在這張網格中填寫每件特定藝術作品的話。作為對曆史學家常常過於咬文嚼字的一種補充和矯正,曆史學家的史料畢竟通常是書麵的,嚴肅地對待藝術、藝術史將被高度推薦。關於史前藝術,h. g. bandi et al., art of the stone age(new york, 1961)是一部不錯的著作。關於古代中東藝術的著作可以查閱如下著作:andre parrot, sumer: the dawn of art(new york, 1961); andre parrot, arts of assyria(new york, 1962); henri frankfort, the art and architecture of the ancient orient(penguin, 1959); w. stevenson smith, art and architecture of ancient egypt(penguin, 1958). h. a. groenewegen-frankfort and bernard ashmore, art of the ancient world(new york, n.d.)是對古代中東和地中海藝術的標準介紹。
輝煌巨著,henri zimmer and joseph campell,the art of india asia, 2nd ed., 2 vols. (new york, 1955)是最好的論述印度文化傳播到東南亞的著作。ludwig bachhofer, a short history of chinese art(london, 1947)對早期中國青銅器進行了工藝的、令人信服的文本分析。更令人印象深刻的文本分析著作是henri frankfort, cylinder seals(london, 1931),他利用來自古代美索不達米亞大量被保存下來的一種物質,把藝術主旨的變化與古代社會的社會和政治秩序的變化聯係起來。難以想象還有其他著作比它更生動地闡述了藝術史與社會發展之間的整體關係。
遺憾的是,插圖豐富的藝術書籍必然價格昂貴,這限製了它們的利用。“大學印刷廠”(university prints)提供了一種差強人意的簡裝替代選擇,該機構以適中的價格銷售各種藝術門類的單幅照片。如果教師想讓一個班級的全體學生得到一張同樣的圖片以便能夠學習和討論,那麽“大學印刷廠”就是一個靈活的和隨時可以得到的源泉。它的地址是15 brattle street, cambridge, mass., 02138。
人類進化和史前史。w. e. le gros rk, the antecedents of man(chicago, 1960); keh p. oakley, man the tool-maker, 5th ed. (london, 1976); robert ardrey, african genesis(london, 1961); sol tax, ed., evolution after darwin, 3 vols. (chicago, 1960); carleton s. coon, the origin of races(new york, 1962); m.f.ashley montague ed., culture and the evolution of man(new york, 1962); james meart, the neolithic of the near east(new york, 1976); 和grahame rk, world prehistory, a new outline(cambridge, 1969)。關於理論而不是關於曆史,但是思想非常深刻的小書是robert redfield, the primitive world and its transformations(ithaca, n. y., 1953)。
古代中東。henri frankfort, the birth of civilization in the near east(bloomington, ind., 1951); v. gordon childe, what happened in history(penguin, 1943); samuel noah kramer, the sumerians: their history, culture and character(chicago, 1963); john a. wilson, the burden of egypt: an interpretation of ancient egyptian culture(chicago,1951); a. leo oppenheim, ancient mesopotamia, portrait of a dead civilization(chicago,1964); karl w. butzer, early hydraulic civilization in egypt: a study in cultural ecology(chicago,1976); w. stevenson smith, interconnections in the ancient near east: a study of the rtionships between the arts of egypt, the aegean and western asia(new haven, conn., 1965); o. r. gurney, the hittites, rev. ed. (penguin, 1961); george steindorff and keith c. seele, when egypt ruled the east, rev. ed. (chicago, 1957); a. t. olmstead, a history of assyria(chicago, 1923); donald harden, the phoenicians(new york, 1962); william f. albright, the archeology of palestine, rev. ed. (penguin, 1960); h. h. robinson and w. o.e. oesterly, history of israel, 2 vols. (oxford,1932);h. h. rowley ed., the old testament and modern study(oxford, 1951); a. t. olmstead, a history of the persian empire(chicago, 1948); r. c. zaehner, the dawn and twilight of zoroastrianism(new york, 1961); jack finegan,light from the ancient past: the archeological background of judaism and christianity, 2nd ed. (princeton, 1959); david diringer, the alphabet: a key to the history of mankind, 2nd ed. rev. (london, 1953); ignace j.gelb, a study of writing, rev. ed. (chicago, 1964); otto neugebauer, the exact science in antiquity(leiden, 1950); charles singer, et al., eds., a history of technology, i: from early times to fall of ancient empires(oxford, 1954); 和r. j. forbes, metallurgy in antiquity(leiden, 1950)。
歐洲。j.g.d.rk, prehistoric europe: the economic basis(new york and london, 1952); c. f. c. hawkes, the prehistoric foundations of europe to the mycenean age(london, 1940); v. gorden childe, the dawn of european civilization, 6th ed. (new york, 1958); john boardman et al., eds., the europeanmunity inter prehistory: studies in honor of c. f. c. hawkes(totowa. n. j., 1971); j. d. evans, malta(new york, 1959); j. d. s. pendlebury, the archeology of ancient crete(penguin, 1962); sinir hood, the minoans: the story of bronze age crete(new york, 1971); a. r. burn, minoans, philistines and greeks, 1400~900 b.c. (london, 1930); chester g. starr, origins of greeks civilization, 1100~650 b.c. (new york, 1961); m.i. finley, the world of odysseus(new york, 1954); eric r. ddodds, the greeks and the irrational(boston, 1957); alfred e, zimmern, the greekmonwealth, 5th ed. rev.(oxford, 1931); m. i. finley, early greece: the bronze and archaic ages(new york, 1970); m. pallottino, art of the etruscans(london and new york, 1955); raymond block, origins of rome(new york, 1960); t. g. powell, the celts(new york, 1958); b. h. warmington, carthage(london, 1960); 和marija gimbutas, the vs(new york, 1971)。
歐亞草原。v. gordon childe,the arsyans: a study of indo-european origins(new york, 1926); tamara talbot rice, the scythians(london, 1957); m. rostovtzeff, iranians and greeks in south russia(oxford, 1922);george vernadsky, ancient russia(new haven, 1943); william m. mcgovern, the early empires of central asia(chapel hill, n. c., 1939); charles burney and david m.ng, the peoples of the hills, ancient ararat and caucasus(new york, 1972); 和v. m. masson and v. i. sarianidi, central asia: turkemenia before the achaemenids(new york, 1972)。
印度。stuart w. piggott, prehistoric india to1000 b.c. (penguin, 1950); r. e. m. wheeler, early india and pakistan, to ashoka, rev. ed. (london, 1968); r. e. m. wheeler, the indus civilization,the cambridge history of india, supp.vol. (cambridge, 1953); the indus civilization(cambridge, 1968); r. c. majumdar and a. d. pusalker, eds., history and culture of the indian people, i: the vedic age(london,1951); bridget and raymond allchin, the birth of indian civilization: india and pakistan before500 b.c.(penguin,1968); 和j. h. hutton, caste in india: its nature functions and origins(cambridge, 1946)。
中國。ping-ti ho, cradle of the east(chicago, 1975); herrlee g. creel, the birth of china(london, 1936; reissued 1951); li chi, the beginnings of chinese civilization(seattle, 1957); cheng te-k’un, archeology in china, i: prehistoric china(cambridge, 1959), cheng te-k’un, archeology in china, ii:shang china(cambridge, 1960); cheng te-k’un, archeology in china, iii: chou china(cambridge, 1964); chang kwang-chih, early chinese civilization: anthropological perspectives(cambridge, mass., 1976); william watson, china: before the han dynasty(new york, 1961); herrlee creel, the origins of statecraft in china, i: the western chou empire(chicago, 1970); l.c. goodrich, a short history of chinese people, 3rd ed. (new york, 1959);和三部引起爭議但也引人入勝的著作,herrlee g. greel, confucius, the man and the myth(new york, 1949);新書名confucius and the chinese way(new york, 1960); joseph needham,science and civilization in china, multivolumed (cambridge, 1954~ );和g. f. hudson, europe and china(london, 1931)。
世界其他地區。公元前500年前,世界其他地區大多數幾乎沒有進入曆史記錄。但是,關於非洲史前史的三部著作在這裏值得提及:sonia cole, the prehistory of east africa(new york, 1954); j. desmond rk, the prehistory of southern africa(penguin, 1959); 和george peter murdock, africa: its peoples and their cultural history(new york, 1959)。關於新大陸和東南亞,相關著作似乎最好附錄在本書第二部分的進一步閱讀書目中。
論述世界曆史的著作汗牛充棟。有些是集體編寫的著作,如劍橋史:the cambridge ancient history, 12 vols. (cambridge,1929~39),the cambridge medieval history,8 vols. (cambridge, 1913~36), 和the cambridge modern history, 13 vols. (cambridge, 1902~12)。其他的都打上了作者個人思想的烙印,因此雖然更連貫,但也引起爭論,因為沒有人能掌握曆史學每個領域的知識。4部這樣的著作引起了普通讀者的興趣:h.g.wells, the outline of history(london, 1920); oswald spengler, the decline of the west, 2nd ed. rev., 2 vols. (new york, 1931); arnold j. toynbee, a study of history, 10 vols. (london, 1934~54); 和william h. eil, the rise of the west(chicago, 1963)。湯因比的著作出版了縮寫本,d.c.somervell ed., a study of history, 2 vols. (london, 1946, 1957)和插圖縮寫本,arnold toynbee, a study of history(new york, 1972)。
兩類其他讀物顯然吸引了學生的注意:古代文獻的譯本和對古代的現代研究。《聖經》和諸如《荷馬史詩》那樣的經典著作譯本數量眾多,由於世世代代的學術積累,這些譯本已經相當準確了。因此,從這類著作中推薦一種譯本而貶低另一種譯本似乎都是吹毛求疵。其他的文明傳統在英語翻譯中幾乎沒有如此精確的代表作。關於古代中東,james b. pritchard, ed. ancient near eastern texts rting to the old testament,rev. ed.(princeton,1969)提供了一份卓越而引人入勝的文獻匯編,正如james b. pritchard,the ancient near east, new anthology of texts and pictures(princeton, 1975)。n.k.sandars, tr.,the epic of gilgamesh(penguin,1960)是一部價格低廉、容易得到的美索不達米亞主要文學作品譯本。hans goedicke, tr.,the report about the dispute of a man with his ba(baltimore,1970)提供了古代埃及對生與死的看法。關於印度文化,w.t. debary, jr. et al., eds., sources of indian tradition(new york, 1958)從《吠陀》《奧義書》和其他早期著作中進行了很好的選擇匯編。johannes a. b. van buitenen, the mahabharata(chicago, 1973~ )開始了對印度最偉大的史詩的學術翻譯。w.t.debary, jr. et al., eds., sources of chinese tradition(new york, 1960)在從早期中國文獻的匯編和選取方麵做得很好。此外,arthur waley, tr.,the analects of confucius(new york, 1939), arthur waley, tr., shih jing, books of songs(boston, 1937), 和richard wilhelm, tr., the i ching, or book of changes, 3rd ed. (princeton, 1967)也值得注意。
許多論述古代曆史的著作都用摘譯的古代文獻作點綴。翻譯與注釋之間的相得益彰常常比沒有支撐的翻譯對這個主題給予了更好的介紹,特別是當這種文化不為人所熟悉的時候。這種文獻風格的一個好例子是關於中東的: samuel noah kramer, sumerian mythology(phdelphia, 1944); henri frankfort et al.,before philosophy(penguin, 1941); j. a. moulton, early zoroastrianism(london, 1913).關於印度文化,edward conze, buddhism: its essence and development(new york, 1959); sir charles eliot, hinduism and buddhism: an historical sketch, 3 vols. (london, 1921); 和heinrich zimmer, philosophies of india(new york, 1951)很有幫助。馮友蘭的history of chinese philosophy, 2 vols.(princeton,1952)也是如此。關於早期希臘思想的2部著作也屬於這類:john bu, early greek philosophy, 4th ed. (london, 1930)是一種嚴肅的、標準的、煞費苦心的敘述;而f. m. cornford, from religion to philosophy: a study in the origins of western spection(london, 1912)則代表了卓越、推測性和啟發性的一類。
古代藝術著作和其他物質的照片的熟讀仍然是輔助的和非常有價值的方法,通過這種方法,學習古代史的學生可以漫遊古代世界。它具有一個重大優勢,以致讀者與原著之間沒有譯者。此外,當一個人在短時間內翻閱插圖精美的書籍時,更多的著作或許很容易被忽略。這使比較變得可能,而且比較可能敏銳地洞悉跨越空間和時間的變化模式——如果學生費力地記住了一張鬆散的空間—時間網格,並在這張網格中填寫每件特定藝術作品的話。作為對曆史學家常常過於咬文嚼字的一種補充和矯正,曆史學家的史料畢竟通常是書麵的,嚴肅地對待藝術、藝術史將被高度推薦。關於史前藝術,h. g. bandi et al., art of the stone age(new york, 1961)是一部不錯的著作。關於古代中東藝術的著作可以查閱如下著作:andre parrot, sumer: the dawn of art(new york, 1961); andre parrot, arts of assyria(new york, 1962); henri frankfort, the art and architecture of the ancient orient(penguin, 1959); w. stevenson smith, art and architecture of ancient egypt(penguin, 1958). h. a. groenewegen-frankfort and bernard ashmore, art of the ancient world(new york, n.d.)是對古代中東和地中海藝術的標準介紹。
輝煌巨著,henri zimmer and joseph campell,the art of india asia, 2nd ed., 2 vols. (new york, 1955)是最好的論述印度文化傳播到東南亞的著作。ludwig bachhofer, a short history of chinese art(london, 1947)對早期中國青銅器進行了工藝的、令人信服的文本分析。更令人印象深刻的文本分析著作是henri frankfort, cylinder seals(london, 1931),他利用來自古代美索不達米亞大量被保存下來的一種物質,把藝術主旨的變化與古代社會的社會和政治秩序的變化聯係起來。難以想象還有其他著作比它更生動地闡述了藝術史與社會發展之間的整體關係。
遺憾的是,插圖豐富的藝術書籍必然價格昂貴,這限製了它們的利用。“大學印刷廠”(university prints)提供了一種差強人意的簡裝替代選擇,該機構以適中的價格銷售各種藝術門類的單幅照片。如果教師想讓一個班級的全體學生得到一張同樣的圖片以便能夠學習和討論,那麽“大學印刷廠”就是一個靈活的和隨時可以得到的源泉。它的地址是15 brattle street, cambridge, mass., 02138。
人類進化和史前史。w. e. le gros rk, the antecedents of man(chicago, 1960); keh p. oakley, man the tool-maker, 5th ed. (london, 1976); robert ardrey, african genesis(london, 1961); sol tax, ed., evolution after darwin, 3 vols. (chicago, 1960); carleton s. coon, the origin of races(new york, 1962); m.f.ashley montague ed., culture and the evolution of man(new york, 1962); james meart, the neolithic of the near east(new york, 1976); 和grahame rk, world prehistory, a new outline(cambridge, 1969)。關於理論而不是關於曆史,但是思想非常深刻的小書是robert redfield, the primitive world and its transformations(ithaca, n. y., 1953)。
古代中東。henri frankfort, the birth of civilization in the near east(bloomington, ind., 1951); v. gordon childe, what happened in history(penguin, 1943); samuel noah kramer, the sumerians: their history, culture and character(chicago, 1963); john a. wilson, the burden of egypt: an interpretation of ancient egyptian culture(chicago,1951); a. leo oppenheim, ancient mesopotamia, portrait of a dead civilization(chicago,1964); karl w. butzer, early hydraulic civilization in egypt: a study in cultural ecology(chicago,1976); w. stevenson smith, interconnections in the ancient near east: a study of the rtionships between the arts of egypt, the aegean and western asia(new haven, conn., 1965); o. r. gurney, the hittites, rev. ed. (penguin, 1961); george steindorff and keith c. seele, when egypt ruled the east, rev. ed. (chicago, 1957); a. t. olmstead, a history of assyria(chicago, 1923); donald harden, the phoenicians(new york, 1962); william f. albright, the archeology of palestine, rev. ed. (penguin, 1960); h. h. robinson and w. o.e. oesterly, history of israel, 2 vols. (oxford,1932);h. h. rowley ed., the old testament and modern study(oxford, 1951); a. t. olmstead, a history of the persian empire(chicago, 1948); r. c. zaehner, the dawn and twilight of zoroastrianism(new york, 1961); jack finegan,light from the ancient past: the archeological background of judaism and christianity, 2nd ed. (princeton, 1959); david diringer, the alphabet: a key to the history of mankind, 2nd ed. rev. (london, 1953); ignace j.gelb, a study of writing, rev. ed. (chicago, 1964); otto neugebauer, the exact science in antiquity(leiden, 1950); charles singer, et al., eds., a history of technology, i: from early times to fall of ancient empires(oxford, 1954); 和r. j. forbes, metallurgy in antiquity(leiden, 1950)。
歐洲。j.g.d.rk, prehistoric europe: the economic basis(new york and london, 1952); c. f. c. hawkes, the prehistoric foundations of europe to the mycenean age(london, 1940); v. gorden childe, the dawn of european civilization, 6th ed. (new york, 1958); john boardman et al., eds., the europeanmunity inter prehistory: studies in honor of c. f. c. hawkes(totowa. n. j., 1971); j. d. evans, malta(new york, 1959); j. d. s. pendlebury, the archeology of ancient crete(penguin, 1962); sinir hood, the minoans: the story of bronze age crete(new york, 1971); a. r. burn, minoans, philistines and greeks, 1400~900 b.c. (london, 1930); chester g. starr, origins of greeks civilization, 1100~650 b.c. (new york, 1961); m.i. finley, the world of odysseus(new york, 1954); eric r. ddodds, the greeks and the irrational(boston, 1957); alfred e, zimmern, the greekmonwealth, 5th ed. rev.(oxford, 1931); m. i. finley, early greece: the bronze and archaic ages(new york, 1970); m. pallottino, art of the etruscans(london and new york, 1955); raymond block, origins of rome(new york, 1960); t. g. powell, the celts(new york, 1958); b. h. warmington, carthage(london, 1960); 和marija gimbutas, the vs(new york, 1971)。
歐亞草原。v. gordon childe,the arsyans: a study of indo-european origins(new york, 1926); tamara talbot rice, the scythians(london, 1957); m. rostovtzeff, iranians and greeks in south russia(oxford, 1922);george vernadsky, ancient russia(new haven, 1943); william m. mcgovern, the early empires of central asia(chapel hill, n. c., 1939); charles burney and david m.ng, the peoples of the hills, ancient ararat and caucasus(new york, 1972); 和v. m. masson and v. i. sarianidi, central asia: turkemenia before the achaemenids(new york, 1972)。
印度。stuart w. piggott, prehistoric india to1000 b.c. (penguin, 1950); r. e. m. wheeler, early india and pakistan, to ashoka, rev. ed. (london, 1968); r. e. m. wheeler, the indus civilization,the cambridge history of india, supp.vol. (cambridge, 1953); the indus civilization(cambridge, 1968); r. c. majumdar and a. d. pusalker, eds., history and culture of the indian people, i: the vedic age(london,1951); bridget and raymond allchin, the birth of indian civilization: india and pakistan before500 b.c.(penguin,1968); 和j. h. hutton, caste in india: its nature functions and origins(cambridge, 1946)。
中國。ping-ti ho, cradle of the east(chicago, 1975); herrlee g. creel, the birth of china(london, 1936; reissued 1951); li chi, the beginnings of chinese civilization(seattle, 1957); cheng te-k’un, archeology in china, i: prehistoric china(cambridge, 1959), cheng te-k’un, archeology in china, ii:shang china(cambridge, 1960); cheng te-k’un, archeology in china, iii: chou china(cambridge, 1964); chang kwang-chih, early chinese civilization: anthropological perspectives(cambridge, mass., 1976); william watson, china: before the han dynasty(new york, 1961); herrlee creel, the origins of statecraft in china, i: the western chou empire(chicago, 1970); l.c. goodrich, a short history of chinese people, 3rd ed. (new york, 1959);和三部引起爭議但也引人入勝的著作,herrlee g. greel, confucius, the man and the myth(new york, 1949);新書名confucius and the chinese way(new york, 1960); joseph needham,science and civilization in china, multivolumed (cambridge, 1954~ );和g. f. hudson, europe and china(london, 1931)。
世界其他地區。公元前500年前,世界其他地區大多數幾乎沒有進入曆史記錄。但是,關於非洲史前史的三部著作在這裏值得提及:sonia cole, the prehistory of east africa(new york, 1954); j. desmond rk, the prehistory of southern africa(penguin, 1959); 和george peter murdock, africa: its peoples and their cultural history(new york, 1959)。關於新大陸和東南亞,相關著作似乎最好附錄在本書第二部分的進一步閱讀書目中。