

    a mean person expects all things from others,and then forgets to reward the favor.

    a virtuous person does not expect things from others,and always thinks of repaying favors.



    schemes to advance posterity usually fail.

    working for society today gains merits.



    even with all his money,a jealous miser cannot rise above mental poverty.

    even with his strong legs,a whiner cannot walk away from his inner weakness.



    we must be wholesome to survive.

    we must think and cultivate good causes and conditions to improve our state.



    the best thing in the world is to respect life.

    the worst thing in the world is to kill.





    transform your loved ones with virtue.

    guide them with morality.

    help them with kindness to seed.

    wish them blessings.




    fairness is the key to management.

    understanding people and knowing management rules is the key to business.

    勤儉淡泊 為自己開創美好的明天

    慈悲喜舍 為子孫準備美好的未來

    diligence,frugality,and detachment from worldly desires bring you a better tomorrow.

    耳聞不如目見 目見不如足踐

    口說不如手做 心想不如圓成

    it is better to see than to hear. it is better to act than to see.

    it is better to do than to speak. it is better to carry on than to be deterred by excessive doubts.

    學習 布施,是改造自己慳貪的性格






    to transform greed,learn to be generous.

    to transform evil actions,observe precepts strictly.

    to transform hatred,practice tolerance.

    to transformziness,vow to be diligent.

    to transform discursive thinking,learn to meditate.

    to transform ignorance,cultivate wisdom.





    don''t fear night,but greet the dawn.

    don''t fear cold,but embrace the sun.

    don''t fear disorder,but cleanse your surroundings.

    don''t fear frustration,but bravely shoulder responsibility.





    ecology means protecting the earth:without earth,houw can we survive?

    protecting beings means respect for life:without life,can anything have meaning?





    a great being makes a great vow to benefit others.

    a great being shows virtue in his work.

    a great being has courage to transcend crises.

    a great being aspires to be creative.





    cherish the hours when you walk in sunshine.

    cherish the little things you need in your life.

    cherish friendship inmerce.

    don''t waste breath on the ignorant.





    shared respect makes an honest and noble nation.

    friendship makes a polite and ordered society.





    in speech,tender words of praise for others.

    in business,industry and fortitude.

    in friendship,consideration and respect.

    in study,care and attention.





    from the thrifty,and gift is generous.

    to the thrifty,virtue means desiring little.

    a thrifty parent fittingly bestows habits of thrift on his children.

    a thrifty parent wisely teaches his children to be thrifty.





    be an honest and filial child at home.

    respect teachers and books in school.

    be conscientious and humble at work.

    believe in the truth of your faith.





    wake from your ignorance and delusion:grasp the essence of life.

    stop searching outside:find the treasures in your mind.





    when life is hard,face it.

    when life is painful,learn from it.

    when life is easy,n for hard times.

    when life is pleasing,enjoy it.





    if politicians are upright,there is no corruption.

    when everyone is tolerant,there are no ethnic disputes.





    praise others with your tongue.

    do good deeds with your hands.

    tread the right path with your feet.

    create a purnd with your energy.





    wee all people with sympathy.

    embrace all religions with understanding.

    transcend ethnic barriers with generosity.

    speak to all nations with love.





    don''t put things off,work hard.

    don''t hide things in your report,be positive but tell the truth.

    follow your boss''instructions,but don''t be distressed when there is censure.

    follow the rules and don''t seek privileges,get along and avoid extremes.





    don''t expect any profit from this world.

    don''t be jealous.

    don''t fear adversity when you seek the truth.

    don''t cover up mistakes.





    prepare yourself for what maye.

    cultivate yourself devotedly.

    handle matters with keen insight.

    vow to save sentient beings and bepassionate.





    etiquette and good manners foster harmony.

    music purifies body and mind and softens passions.

    determination awakens our potential and broadens our vision.

    the t''ao (way)enlightens our minds and perfects our cultivation and practice.





    sharing your joy is the bodhisattva''s way.

    sharing your blessing is highly to be praised.

    a dmitting your error is a virtue.

    preventhing evil,doing good,and purifying body and mind is buddhist practice.





    if you don''t help others until you be rich,there''s no chance you''ll help others.

    if you don''t read until you have time, you will never have time to read.



    don''t be proud of your talent:virtue is true worth.

    don''t be proud of your money:achievement is true worth.







    chanting the buddha''s name with feeling benefits self and family and friends.

    your munificence brings joy to you and those praise you.





    share your wisdom with others.

    share your experience with the young.

    develop through cultivation and practice.

    embrace the future by cultivating virtue.





    you cannot be righteous and attached to property.

    you cannot be a good citizen and attached to life.

    you cannot be a good man and a miser.

    you cannot grow wiser and cling to attachment.



    judging disputes requires intelligence.

    mediating disputes requires fairness.

    交 友之道在於“淡”




    virtue and detachment is the key to new friendships.

    intelligence is the key to learning.

    ignoring gossip is the key to disarming nder.

    self-examination is the key to repentance.

    “互相體諒” 是消除紛爭之道

    “互相成就” 是集體創作之方

    mutual respect is the key to resolving disputes.

    helping others seed is the key to teamwork.



    成人 之美,莫大於揚人之德


    the best favor is to help others do well.

    the worst evil is to tell others to do ill.

    the best help is to praise others'' good merits.

    the worst hurt is to reveal others'' shorings.

    道人長短,一句話也是多嘴, 故要少說

    啟人生信,千萬言也是嫌少, 故應多講

    one sentence of gossip is too much:don''t talk.

    spreading the faith,a thousand words are not enough:keep talking.

    淨化人心 是環境保育的根本之道

    改善風氣 是社會教化的究竟目標

    the fundamental way to a sound environment is to purify people''s minds.

    the ultimate goal of social education is to improve social morale.

    “自他一如”的觀念 是人際和諧之本

    “同體共生”的精神 是世界和平之基

    the non-discrimination is funda-mental to world harmony.

    the integration and co-existence is the foundation of world peace.





    doing good,you have prajna hands.

    seeing withpassion,you have prajna eyes.

    praising others,you have prajna tongue.

    embracing the multitude in your thought,you have prajna mind.

    人,要給人利用 才能創造價值

    人,要學習 偉大 才能留下曆史

    being used by others shows your worthiness.

    learning greatness leaves your mark in history.

    自己可以不聚外財 但不能不開發內心的寶藏

    自己可以不仗勢力 但不能不開創國家的地位

    it is better to grow your mind than to be rich.

    it is better to advance the nation''s interests than to use your connections for private gain.

    知足,是解脫欲望 的妙方


    content knows how to be free from desires.

    gratitude is the gateway to wealth.





    some die climbing mountains.

    some die stormy seas.

    some harm others for profit.

    some yield their livers for justice.





    better have skill than property.

    better be virtuous than learned.

    better keep your word than be eloquent.

    better write well than profusely.





    it is easier to study than to be intelligent and open-minded.

    it is easier to manage business than to get along well with others.

    it is easier to handle outer affairs than to tackle inner problems.

    it is easier to cultivate oneself than to walk the path of the bodhisattva.





    not lying,you will believed;belief brings fortune.

    speaking loving and tender words ispassionpassion brings merits.

    日行一善存好心 每一發心 必為人間的利益著想

    日發一願做好事 每一發願 必為人間的莊嚴用心

    perform a good deed every day;aspire to benefit society.

    vow to perform a good deed every day;each vow must aspire to beautify society.



    being used by others is a kind of affinity.

    helping others is helping self.



    shun greed and have peace of mind.





    don''t be jealous of the talented.

    don''t shirk responsibility.

    take the initiative to do good.

    don''t take credit for a sess.





    to study,be intelligent and open.

    to think,have the right understanding.

    to handle business,be confident.

    to practice and cultivate,have the right mindfulness.

    學佛 就是向自己的煩惱魔軍作戰

    念佛 就是對自己的煩惱習 氣革命

    learning from the buddha fights defilement.

    chanting the buddha''s name purges bad habits and defilement.





    make good affinity with the mind of serenity.

    avert greed and defilement with the mind of purity.

    face good or bad with the mind of meditaion.

    make a perfect world through the power of a vow.





    beautify yourself with goodness,not make-up.

    cultivatepassion,not position.





    to cultivate yourself,recognize your merits and improve your shorings.

    to cultivate others,tolerate their shorings and praise their merits.





    it is selfish to live for yourself only.

    it is painful to live for family only.

    it is magnificent to live for others.

    it is practical to live for society.





    who covets not is rich.

    who hates not is free.

    who is not blind is wise.

    who wishes nothing blessed.





    the best time is morning.

    the best practice is diligence.

    the best approach to a problem is reason.

    the best principle for a family is harmony.





    for good business,discretion.

    for good rtions,tolerance.

    for merit,gratitude.

    for cultivation,patience.





    from tolerance,harmony.

    from generosity,magnanimity.


    from joy,good affinity.





    modesty brings harmony.

    magnanimity brings good rtions.

    credit brings honor.

    diligence brings achievement.





    the guiltless don''tin they are poor.

    the diligent don''tin lift is tough.

    the loyal don''t brag they are useful.

    the sessful don''t brag they are capable.





    make profound teaching understandable.

    makeplicated orders simple.

    to educate people,bepassionate.

    to deal with others,be magnanimous.

    學習 彌勒菩薩的胸懷,寬容豁達



    learn the tolerance of maitreya bodhisattva,be magnanimous and open-minded.

    emte thepassion of a valokitesvara bodhisattva,show concern for sentient beings.

    follow the wisdom of manjusri bodhisattva,keep away from troubles and defilement.



    tread the path of samantabhadra bodhisattva,transfer merits to all.

    be courageous like ksitigarbha bodhisattva,march towards perfect enlightenment.





    a virtuous person does not me others for their inabilities.

    a virtuous person does not force others to do what theyanot.

    a virtuous person is not bothered by other people''s shorings.

    a virtuous person does not encourage others to do wrong.




    真君子成人 不成己

    a virtuous person rejects wealth but not hardship.

    a virtuous person worries about practice but not poverty.

    a virtuous person cares about justice but not profit.

    a virtuous person helps others but not himself.





    to get along,don''t be grasping but think about others.

    to handle business,don''t be stubborn but understand the rules.





    better than the suffering of jealousy:magnanimity.

    better than the suffering of arrogance:respect.

    better than the suffering ofpetition:co-existence.

    better than the suffering of frustration:making good affinity.





    better than the suffering of greed:content.

    better than the suffering of hatredpassion.

    better than the suffering of ignorance:intellgence.

    better than the suffering of defilement:joy.





    don''t be too reproachful in your practice and cultivation:tolerate the impure and unclean.

    don''t be judgmental in handling affairs:you have to put up with all sorts of people.




    見人沉淪 要能提攜

    don''t envy.

    praise good deeds.

    offer a hand to people in trouble.

    help the disadvantaged.





    know your demerits and what should be improved,so as not to ask for more than you deserve.

    let conscience guard you from arrogance.


    學習 等待卻也是一種至高的藝術

    it is hard to be kept waiting,but it is an art to wait patiently.









    some write history with diligence.

    some write history with money.

    some write history with blood and sweat.

    some write history with ttery.

    some write history with loyalty.

    some wirte history with sub-servience.

    some write history with wisdom.

    some write history withpassion.





    being moved,we have perfectly willing aspirations.

    being moved,we act without regrets.

    let yourself be moved by good deeds and words.

    by your good deeds and words,move others.





    to act ording to causes and conditions means to act in the interests of others.

    to act ording to principles means to choose what is right and stick to it,not just to cling to the old rules.





    patience is a skill.

    persistence springs from hope.

    patience and persistence lead to sess and harmony.





    to learn,think.

    to handle business,rx.

    a great person epts his ordeals.

    a capable person cannot avoid being envied by others.





    shirking responsibility impedes progress.

    taking responsibility impels progress.

    obstinate error incurs reproach.

    admitting error dispels reproach.





    ipetent people sumb to frustration.





    be happy even when suffering.

    be fair even when wronged.

    be rxed even when busy.

    be tolerant even when criticized.







    self-examination and repentance are courageous.

    self-examination and repentance are a mirror in your hand.

    self-examination and repentance lead to harmony.

    self-examination and repentance reap the fruit of wisdom.

    self-examination and repentance are a stairway to virtue.

    self-examination and repentance are lessons to practice.





    don''t show that you know someone is cheating.

    don''tin when you are taken advantage of.

    don''t brag when you do a favor.

    don''t forget when you receive a favor.


    但不可用以交 友



    be critical of yourself,but not of your friends.

    be satisfied with your situation,but not with your learning.


    “實事求是” 是解決問題的最好態度

    to get rid of defilement,be humble.

    to solve problems,be pragmatic.





    a simple life gets you through hard times.

    when you are under pressure,wisely conceal your talents even at the cost of seeming dull.



    use your eyes to examine yourself,not others.

    use your mouth to criticize yourself,not others.





    not worrying about trifles lets you unload mental burdens.

    not listening to gossip lets you avoid disputes.



    put up with mistakes to avoid arguments.

    endure the unendurable to avoidints.



    don''t disclose all your merits.

    don''t expose everybody else''s demerits.


    同情人 是義的行為

    it is right to improve people''s conduct.

    it is right to have sympathy for them.





    don''t hoard:generosity makes affinity.

    ignore nder and praise:encourage good deeds.

    don''t be bitter:do what is right.

    dont''t break promises:keep your word.

    一滴之施濟人當厄 就如春風化雨

    一言之惡傷人之心 好比冰雪寒霜

    to the needy,a good deed is like a gentle breeze.

    cruel words are like snow and frost.






    what should we do about social problem? purify people''s minds.

    if everyone observes the seven precepts,all social problems the seven precepts,all social problems will be resolved.

    the first precept is to abstain from drugs,keeping healthy and joyous into old age.

    if everyone does this,the family will be harmonious,the country peaceful,and crimes few.

    the second precept is to abstain from illicit sexual rtions,promoting harmonious family life.






    五誡賭博 不貪心,十賭九輸惹災禍

    behave like a bodhisattva,not a prostitute,helping others and yourself.

    the third precept is to refrain from violence and hatred,promoting harmony and courtesy everywhere.

    when you are tolerant,you bring on good fortune and good darma.

    the fourth precept is to refrain from stealing,being tranquil and detached.

    walk the path of a carefree life, desiring nothing.

    the fifth precept is to refrain from gambling,breserving your money and honor.






    avoid the disharmony that arises from cheating.

    the sixth precept is to refrain from alcohol in excess,avoiding delusion and ignorance.

    with ambrosial water nurturing my heart,i vow to bepassionate every day.

    the seventh precept is to refrain from abrasive speech.

    a kind word brings warmth in the chill of winter,while a harsh word burns more than the summer''s heat.

    do good to gain merit and good fortune.





    give peoplefort and not distress.

    work by the rules and without prejudice.

    observe precepts and refrain from evil.

    get along and don''t be entric.





    teaching morality is a potent enterprise.

    teaching the t''ao(way)draws the people together.

    the dharma victory is unsurpassed.

    “忍”是一種擔當 忍之為德,在於負重

    “退”是一種涵養 退之為德,在於和眾

    tolerance lets you shoulder your duties.

    detachment makes you tolerant and friendly.



    in society,tolerance is the best thing.

    in life,diligence is the main thing.





    a good temper puts you in a good mood.

    a tranquil mind frees you of defilement.

    a modest character makes good affinity.

    freedom from desires fills you with joy.


